I've (not so) secretly replaced my aggregatorData.prefs.appSignatureUrl in Radio UserLand with this URL. Let's see if anyone notices. Watch your referrer logs for visits from my invisible (s)elves.

/me pops in his Vapor Trails CD, whistling...


Archived Comments

  • Just saw a hit on pycs.net: /users/0105568/rss.xml - 63 hits ref: http://frontier.userland.com/xmlAggregator - 37 hits ref: - - 13 hits [snip] ref: http://www.decafbad.com/thanks-for-feeding-me.phtml - 1 hits I've seen a few polls from updated copies of Radio too; however your referrer is particularly nice in that it lets me click on it and get to a relevant page rather than the help file for Radio's aggregator. Very nice.