Stop using numbers in your IP addresses.

By the way, Namber DNS at (found via DiaWebLog) is damn nifty. As I understand it, it works from a set of 256 very short and simple words. Assemble four of these, and you can represent any IP address. Seems like this would make for very easily remembered IP addresses, as well as fairly simple to recite over the phone. For example: is


Archived Comments

  • I can understand how this could be useful for long ugly domain names, but I find it much easier to remember and recite "decafbad dot com" rather than "sing dot far dot dry dot today dot mysteryrobot dot com." What other advantages am I missing?
  • This doesn't work for name-based virtual IPs, however. My website is but that takes you to my ISP's control panel. You have to use to get to my site. And Dave, the real comparison should be between 'decafbad' and 'sing, far, dry, today'. It's debatable, and would only be truly useful it the mapping was done locally, because then it would still work if DNS was unavailable. Of course, moving to a different ISP would meaning changing your "name" then, too, so it's not a perfect solution by any means. 8^)
  • I recently made a comparison of three similar mnemonic codes for IP addresses. This is the first live implementation I've seen, though.
  • I don't get it. How am I supposed to remember the order of the words? Those little words are way too similar to differentiate in a four word phrase devoid of all meaning. I'd just as soon remember four numbers, then at least then I could find patterns in the numbers to help remind me.
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