Hacking del.icio.us is out and about!

Buy my new book! In and amongst all this excitement with the moving and the new job and the unpacking and the parties, the following unfortunate detail has come to my attention:

I've got a NEW BOOK on the shelves, and I never posted about it!

Holy crap - not only have I been a bad blogger, what with the infrequent updates and complete inattention to my web stats, but I'm also a bad author!

Well, perhaps an absent-minded one at worst - because I assure you that this book is my best yet! More screenshots, clearer code in more languages, and heaps more hands-on action with del.icio.us and the constellation of services and mashups surrounding the service.

In Hacking del.icio.us, I show you how to tinker around with various ways to more effectively use the service, how to get it better integrated with your site, and how to remix and mashup the data you can access at the site. I've got some examples in Perl and PHP, as well as a few bits of AJAX madness in HTML and CSS. There's geotagging and podcasting and even a bit of competitive analysis going on in there.

So, in case it's not yet clear, I've got a new book out and YOU SHOULD BUY IT! :)

Archived Comments

  • So are you that guy who keeps pulling the book out like that in stores so people trip over it? I think you need a guerrilla book team. Recruit people form across the globe to pull your book out of the computer section and feature it on endcaps!

  • Congrats. I'm heading off to my local bookstore to see if it's pulled out of the shelf.

  • I bought your book last weekend at Borders in Emeryville and its really great!-- it was definitely an impulse purchase but once I took a look inside I knew I wanted it.

    but I noticed that the link for the sorce code on Wiley site is only a link to purchase (no code)--any thoughts?

  • Hmm, I might have to ask the publisher about that. I think it should be at this URL officially, but I don't see it:


    For now, you can grab the book's source code here:


  • congrats, les, on everything lately. :) very well done.

  • Hey there, congratulations for the book.

    I'd like to ask you, is either one of the following two topics covered?

    1. how to mass edit my del.icio.us bookmarks (e.g. I've got 3000 bookmarks there, and I need to give the appropriate tags to each one... instead of submitting a "single item" form 3000 times, is there a way to load a form with all 3000 bookmarks, do the changes and submit it?), and
    2. how to import bookmarks from de.lirio.us

    If it is, I may get in line to buy a copy..

  • Great book but I can't find the zip file site www.wiley.com/go/extremetech. Can you let me know where it is please.

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