Week 3 at Mozilla

So, it's getting to the end of my third week at Mozilla, and I'm a part of the Planet now—hooray! Having gotten a membership into that club, I feel like I should start making some noise about what I'm doing at work. Having stayed mostly quiet about day job affairs thus far in my career, it's going to take a bit to get used to a place as open as Mozilla.

Being a noob, I haven't started anything earthshaking yet. But, I have gotten a couple of starter bugs thrown my way:

I'm really working on squashing my nerd fanboy tendencies. Because, I remember downloading the original Mozilla Open Source release, staying home from work to compile it on Windows with Visual Studio, and getting just one or two page views out of it before it fell over and caught on fire. And of course, long before that, I remember using the original lizard in monochrome on a Sun workstation, freaking out over everything and looking up Earth 2 episode guides.

So, although I'm kinda subdued in general right now—subdued as in beat about the head and shoulders—I've got a serious amount of breathlessness going on while trying hard to just kinda be nonchalant. :)

Archived Comments

  • I hope this place is a good fit for you dude. I'm thinking it will be. I think you might have finally hooked up with the right group of mad web scientist. Certainly they are more committed to openness than most.

  • Congratulations on the new gig, I think you'll fit right in! And the Mozilla team just became that little bit more awesome than it already was.

  • Signs point to yes so far :)

  • FWIW, after over three years I still have my bouts of giddy fangirlism. Working at Mozilla is crazy awesome.

  • Congrats on the new(ish) job.

    On a totally unrelated note, why do all the dates on decafbad.com/accum say January?

  • I totally had that serious amount of breathlessness going on while trying hard to just kinda be nonchalant feeling.

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