Tag: syndication
- good gregarius
- Reading Lists, OPML, XOXO, Semantic Web, and Tools
- Ancient code drifting down the newsRiver
- A bit of newsRiver hackery
- Use del.icio.us to build & share Reading Lists?
- Smarty is on my evil list
- OCD thoughts, syndicated
- Sharing attention while reading feeds
- FeedMagick gains an RSS-to-JSON filter
- Safari RSS database columns not so mysterious now
- More on ignorant feed handling
- How to Hack RSS and Atom Feeds
- Google Reader vs Microsoft start.com
- Could an iPod and AV cable fit in a DVD case?
- Time-release Syndication
- Google Reader is good
- Too hard on Google Reader?
FeedSpool is progressing nicely
- Templates: Good or Evil?
- The zen of firehose drinking
- Yak shaving, book pimping, and feed spooling
Hacking RSS and Atom is out!
Feed "Playlists" versus feed:// URLs
- General Motors is blogging
- IP Relay calls at OpenPodcast.org
- Further musings toward smarter aggregators
- Next generation web apps using REST, XML, XSLT, and XmlHTTPRequest
- All Growed Up as an Info Freako
- Using iTunes as a podcast aggregator, with a little help from XSLT
- Falling for the Podcasting Hype
- Initial dbagg3 / feedReactor notes in Kwiki
- dbagg3: Please excuse the mess
- Moving time: From CVS to Subversion
- Early dbagg3 demo is alive and kicking
- Making progress on dbagg3
- More Cooks in the Feed Stew Kitchen
- Slicing and Dicing to Make Atom Soup in dbagg3
- dbagg3 code in CVS
Introducing dbagg3, an Atom-powered client/server aggregator
Info Freako, or who's already past arguing about syndication formats?
- Use Atom for a Universal Blog Transfer Protocol