Month: 2002/09
- Pingback and embedded metadata in (X)HTML
- On RSS and Namespaces
- Yes, chicks do dig Mac OS X.
- Packaging tweak to MTCleanHTMLPlugin
- MTCleanHTMLPlugin - borrowing a page from LJ, literally.
- Automated Pingback vs Human Talkback - Which is more humane?
- Exodus to JohnCompanies in progress
- TrackBack strikes back
- Pingback may one-up TrackBack
- Pingback one-ups TrackBack
Per-post comment RSS feeds
- Running Classic from a disk image?
- FOAF me, FOAF you, FOAF everyone
- I like JohnCompanies servers
- The line between man and machine
- I'm finally timeshifting radio again
- Personal contact data aggregators?
- MT-Search + Wiki for K-Logging?
- AmphetaOutlines doomsday prevention update
- TWiki + Automatic MT-Search = WeblogWithWiki
- The libraries, they are a shiftin' again
- More on the Monster Mash
- We can be Monsters, just for one day
- Trip into BlogWalking
- Beware the fink update-all
- What Would Murphy Do?
- Blogwalking on a Zaurus in progress?
- From Amiga to Macintosh
- Zauri, BlogWalking, Smart Mobs and other oddities
- Idle horsepower leads to insanity
- Once more into the RSS breach - what's the catch?
- RSS "2.0" - What's the catch?
- Further down the LiveJournal spiral
- Some quickies
- XML-RPC to NNTP to XML-RPC to ...
- Construction on the orbital mind control laser platform has begun